Hampton Roads Basketball OfficialsAssociation
Where opportunity avenue
meets preparation boulevard is a
street corner we like to call success.
If you can visualize yourself standing there,
let us show you the way!
Purchase your Referee equipment and gear at the below links!
HRBOA 2022-2023
Gear Coming Soon!
5 Tools to be In-Demand as an Official
with Doug Sirmons
Registration for the Fall New Officials Class for the 2024 - 2025 Season is open. Meetings will be conducted in-person and online via "Google Meets".
2024 -2025 HRBOA Independent Contractor Form
Attention all HRBOA Officials, the independent contractor form is now available to be completed and submitted online for your convenience! Click the "FILL OUT FORM" link below, read and select the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form. The form will then be delivered electronically directly to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Registration, Rule Changes and Points of Emphasis for the 2024 - 2025 Season!
The Rule changes and points of emphasis are available on the Rules Interpreter's page or by selecting the "RULES" icon. Additionally, officials will be able to Select the "Register Now" icon to Register, take the Examination and complete the Clinic.
Officials, the Time to Prepare is Now!
Prepare for the upcoming basketball season, focus on your physical conditioning, basketball rules knowledge and signals/mechanics. There is a saying that "each year as officials we get older but the age of the players that we officiate never changes"........ ~More~
Tips for getting in shape for the upcoming season!
Officials, a "get in shape page" has been created to assist you with pre-season physical preparation for the upcoming season. Here you will find "tips" for cardio, weight control and physical body mass development. It can be said that being in physical game shape is a key factor to a successful officiating season. Click here for tips!
Basketball Video - Plays of the Week
Coming soon!
HRBOA Officials and Coaches vs. Cancer
The HRBOA, Inc. will, again, support Basketball Officials and Coaches versus Cancer! Our officiating crews will use Pink Whistles and Lanyards for games during this period. Looking forward to an exciting 2023-2024 season!
Information and schedule for the 2024-2025 Season
Coming soon.
HRBOA continues to support
Annual D.A. Taylor MS Basketball Challenge
“Community Service - Because it Matters”
We are excited and look forward to supporting and continuing our partnership with Norfolk Academy in reference to the Annual DA Taylor MS Basketball Benefit Challenge. This event represents the continued support and remembrance of former student D.A. Taylor and his family by Norfolk Academy and our organization.
The VHSL has adopted a "30 Point Rule" which is to be used in all VHSL contests unless an entire District opts out. At this time, all Districtsserviced by HRBOA will comply with this rule. The rule is as follows: Click here